Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So, you all probably know that Picnik is shutting down {gasp!} 
BUT--- I've learned about a new site that seems just as good!!  


It was created by a couple of former Picnik engineers.

I've already played around with it a little bit and 
for being Freeeeee it's pretty amazing.

After you click to add your photo you can 
play around with a bunch of settings that
allow you to adjust your picture to your liking.

You can add text, frames, shapes, and even whiten up some teeth!

Below is a picture I uploaded and played around with.
In addition to playing around with the brightness, contrast, etc, I added some text, a heart shape, and a colored frame.

Kinda fun, huh?

Go forth and play.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, thanks for the tip! I'm so sad about Picnik. I'm going to try this out! :)



Patrice thanks you for your comments!